Postum was an old-fashioned coffee substitute

The cost of coffee in a late 1940s and early 1950s tended to be about 37 cents a pound. Occasionally a cost would arise dramatically for a duration of time. This was so upsetting that some folks felt a dignified shortcoming to stop shopping it, even if they had a money.

It is engaging to review a modern-day response to cost increases in simple groceries. We competence expression or scowl, though we customarily toss a favorite brands in a transport anyway.

Almost 70 years ago, however, my grandparents and many other towering people totally boycotted coffee until a cost came behind down.

For breakfast, they temporarily switched to a powdered, roasted-grain, prohibited splash famous as Postum. Like many everybody else, they disliked a season though continued shopping it (for weeks or months) to denote their low disappointment with stream coffee prices.

I remember their prolonged conversations with a kinfolk. Everybody lamented a remarkable spike in a cost of Maxwell House coffee — their favorite brand.

Like a announcement said, it had been “Good to a Last Drop,” and now they had to splash syrupy, molasses-flavored Postum. Teasingly, they placed “bets” on who could reason out a longest, though they all started shopping coffee again, earlier or later.

Though Postum had been around a prolonged time, many towering people usually never grown a ambience for it. In a 1890s, Dr. J. H. Kellogg (of a corn flakes company) combined a cereal-based coffee surrogate that Mr. C. W. Post drank when he was a guest during a Kellogg health sanitarium.

Mr. Post favourite a idea, though not a flavor. Being a pointy businessman, he suspicion there competence be a marketplace for a hot-drink choice to coffee and tea.

So, behind during his possess headquarters, he experimented with a richer-flavored recipe. Naming it for himself, he began offered a new breakfast product as Postum Cereal Coffee.

One of a initial to implement endless product promotion, Mr. Post began an assertive promotion debate propelling consumers to surrogate Postum for coffee and tea.

Before truth-in-advertising guidelines, a ads were worded to prove that caffeine in coffee and tea could means nervousness, weakness, tremors, dark eyes and skin — and even a cowardly, aroused attitude.

Hot Postum, Mr. Post insisted, was rich, perfumed and delicious. The golden-brown, coffee surrogate had to be good for you, he declared, since it was done with usually 4 ingredients: wheat, wheat bran, molasses and wheat flour.

The Postum Cereal Company became General Foods Corporation in 1929, and in 1988, a association joined with Kraft Foods. However, Kraft dropped Postum in 2007 since of low sales figures.

Apparently, lots of other people concluded with Granny and Grandpa’s opinion of a molasses-flavored coffee substitute.

In invulnerability of Postum, it did turn accessible in singular quantities again in 2013. The famous name selected by Mr. Post was regenerated during a ask of folks who unequivocally enjoyed a healthy breakfast alternative.

Can we remember stories of comparison family members who drank prohibited Postum, possibly by choice, or in criticism of vacillating coffee prices?

In a 21st century, we are some-more acclimated to cost increases; we substantially do have a “just-throw-it-in-the-cart” mentality. However, a grandparents lived in opposite times.

Think of kinfolks from other eras who competence have been “tight as a bellow on a tree” and chose to protest common products rather than compensate some-more — even when they had a money.