Brew #2 has an, ahem, outlandish origin

Since a Press-Citzen is a rational family newspaper, we write this with caution.

You see, a inexhaustible Chinese crony who recently changed from Coralville to Connecticut sent me a package of, well, engaging coffee for my birthday. He has a clarity of humor.

Actually, a present is for genuine and has a repute for being among a many costly coffees in a world. It comes from Indonesia, is famous as Kopi Luwak coffee and sells for something like $100 a bruise or more.

Why so expensive? Well, it’s the, uh, “process” that creates it so, as described below.  

Ripe coffee cherries in places like Sumatra are eaten in a furious by a Asian palm civet, a arrange of cat-racoon hybrid animal that allegedly chooses usually a sweetest coffee cherries for munching. These cherries perturbation during digestion and when defecated by a civet, a total beans (pits, seeds) are collected and processed for a world’s high-rolling, epicurean coffee aficionados.

In pretentious terms, yes, it could be referred to as cat poop coffee.

Online, risqué references to this libation everywhere from a stand-up comedy throng — such as “Brew No. 2” and “Good to a final dropping.”

I drank one crater — if usually for a consequence of journalistic firmness — and found it rich, well-spoken and mellow. we courteously common a rest with friends and family.

One North Liberty crony described it as tasty and flavorful, “once we get past a suspicion of where it came from.”

My daughter and her father in Japan supposing a some-more devout critique, claiming it “promoted peace” by mellowing-out an emotionally distraught crony who sipped it in their home.

I usually discovered, later, that besides being pricey a things is flattering controversial.

“We have connectors in Indonesia, though we don’t buy it,” Mike McCain told me. He is owners and consultant spit for Capanna Coffee in North Liberty.

“It’s an animal rights issue,” he explained. “They have farms now where they are forcing a cats to eat a beans. I’ve listened they are doing a same thing to elephants and it is giving them migraines. The elephant coffee is ostensible to be $400 a pound.”

Actually, sources prove that figure is some-more like $550 per bruise or $50 a crater during some oppulance hotels.

For a record, my Chinese crony did not feed a abandon of animal cruelty by purchasing civet coffee. It was a re-gifted present he suspicion we competence wish to experience, given we mostly talked about singular Asian informative stuff.

This product is not for me for many reasons, though a training was didactic and we was happy to get to a bottom of things.

And as we reported behind to my friend:

“It’s flattering dung good coffee.”