How to Clean Every Type of Coffee Maker

What kind of coffee builder do we prefer? Keurig? Chemex? Drip maker? Aeropress? Nespresso? French press? Perhaps we cite a cold brewer? As many forms of coffee makers as there are, there are also ways to purify them. To get a many season (and slightest volume of aged coffee residue) in any crater of joe, follow a cleaning methods summarized in a video above.

But first, a note about coffee filters. We’ve previously covered how they are useful for cleaning all over your home. Just be certain to always dull a used filter in a rabble before cleaning a coffee maker, as coffee drift can burden a sink.


Drip maker

Calcium deposits build adult in season coffee makers if not spotless regularly. Luckily, white vinegar is ideal for clearing them out.


Fill a H2O cover with equal tools H2O and white vinegar. Brew half a pot, afterwards stop a brewing and let a builder cold down for an hour. This allows a vinegar to get to work on any ruins inside a machine. After an hour, decoction a rest of a pot, drop a vinegar solution, and decoction another full pot with purify water.

For cleaning a pot itself, we can put it in a dishwasher, or use a magic eraser.



Also famous by a code name, Chemex, these potion canisters mark easily. Just fill with comfortable H2O and disintegrate dual gaseous tablets (like Alka-Seltzer) inside. Then rinse and dry.


Cold brewer

Because they need to lay for several hours to mislay coffee flavor, these high pitchers (whether cosmetic or glass) can spin brownish-red easily. For a potion cold brewer, repeat a same routine as for a pour-over. For plastic, flow in ice, plate soap, and stone salt and shake to mislay stains. Alternatively, we could use fatty H2O and rice for a same effect.


Pod brewer

Whether we have a Keurig or Nespresso, a routine is a same. Remove a pod and fill a H2O cover with white vinegar. Keep brewing cups until a cover is empty. Then fill a cover with purify H2O and decoction another cup.


French Press

This one couldn’t be easier. Fill median with fatty H2O and thrust adult and down. Then only rinse and dry.
