Couple enjoying perks of new Canton coffee spit business

Cherry Blend Coffee Roasters opens on Cherry Avenue NE.

CANTON  Terry and Peggy Miller’s query to emanate a ideal crater of coffee began with a bean grown 7,500 miles from their northeast Canton roastery.

The Yirgacheffe accumulation grown on shrubs in southwestern Ethiopia completed into red cherries on small, comparison coffee farms. It was picked for METAD, that operates a possess plantation and estimate comforts and works with growers in a African nation. 

The coffee was shipped by vessel from Ethiopia to Charleston, S.C., a domicile of Balzac Brothers. The family-owned association altered it to a room about 18 miles away, and afterwards a burlap bags of immature beans trafficked another 650 miles north to their final destination.

Balzac Brothers has alien coffee for 102 years and shipped 5 varieties from around a universe to a newest coffee spit in Stark County: Cherry Blend Coffee Roasters.

“Most of a specialty coffee, and all of a coffees that Cherry Blend is operative with, come from producers that we do have unequivocally good relations with and that we’ve been operative with for a while,” pronounced Erik Stanek, a Balzac Brothers salesman.

The Millers have supposing portrayal and vigour soaking services for 23 years, some-more than half of that were during 1003 Cherry Ave. NE — a available transport name for a coffee roaster. They are eager coffee consumers and saw roasting as a correct investment for their future.

“We’re removing to a indicate where we’re removing older, and we don’t wish to keep climbing ladders and removing arthritis and all that,” pronounced Terry Miller, who incited 68 on Wednesday.

They’ve continued their loyalty to peculiarity and “spreading a wealth” in a coffee business.

The Ethiopian coffee prolongation is led by Aman Adinew, a grandson of Muluemebet Emiru — Africa’s initial women commander — who was awarded land with furious coffee trees after World War II. At slightest 70 percent of METAD’s staff are women, and a association shares best practices for growing, harvesting and offered coffee with flourishing partners.

The importer works with approved coffee, such as Rainforest Alliance and Fair Trade, as good as particular farms and cooperatives. Stanek pronounced a overarching idea is to yield roasters with peculiarity coffee grown in environmentally and economically tolerable ways.

Canton warehouse

Balzac Brothers delivers a tender beans to a room on a dilemma of an differently dull retard along Cherry Avenue in Canton. The extraneous now facilities a embellished Cherry Blend Coffee Roasters trademark — developed coffee cherries flanked by leaves and a bean.

The Millers separate their 1,350-square-foot building between Tegrey Family of Coatings Inc. and a new coffee roasting venture. The dividing wall with a shifting doorway was custom-built from stable siding by Keim Lumber. It complements brown-painted dust retard walls.

The behind room is stocked with cleaning reserve and a front facilities a cherry-red Diedrich roaster. Two steel grass chairs, that once belonged to Peggy’s grandmother, were sandblasted and embellished a relating red.

“We’ll eventually work a approach out of a portrayal business,” Terry Miller said.

Peggy Miller, 44, pronounced they’re as ardent about coffee as painting. They revisit coffee shops when they transport and have “as many, if not more” ways to make coffee during their Perry Township residence than a standard coffee shop.

The Millers started their roasting business 4 months ago. In June, they attended an complete three-day training module in Virginia hosted by Diedrich Roasters and a Specialty Coffee Association.

“We motionless to go and investigate and fry coffee, and hopefully a internal coffee shops will start shopping a beans,” she said.

Some internal cafés buy coffee from Northeast Ohio roasters, though a usually other roasters in Stark County are Muggswigz and Tremont Coffee Co. Both also work coffee shops.

Cherry Blend Coffee Roasters sells coffee online during and does not have a storefront or coffee shop. The website accepts particular and indiscriminate orders.

Retail prices operation from $13 to $18 for a 12-ounce bag and $15 to $20 for a 16-ounce bag.


‘Cadillac’ of roasters

Four burlap bags — any with 150 pounds of tender beans — lay on possibly side of a Diedrich spit in their warehouse. Terry Miller pronounced a “Cadillac” of roasters was domestic in Idaho, and a drum was seasoned with 125 pounds of beans before a genuine roasting began.

“Off” batches, that are good though not of good adequate peculiarity to sell, will be donated to a Refuge of Hope or Alcoholics Anonymous.

The gas-powered appurtenance can strech 440 degrees and can fry adult to 9 pounds of beans in 9 to 13 minutes. The optimal time is dynamic by a form of bean and preferred flavor.

“Each bean is different,” Terry Miller said. “Each one has opposite dampness and any one has opposite taste.”

A lighter fry maintains some-more of a bean’s start flavor, that can be honeyed and fruity and shabby by factors such as a farm’s altitude and soil. A darker fry produces a bolder, burnt-tasting drink.

“It’s like cooking,” Peggy said. “There’s so many opposite recipes.”

Cherry Blend Coffee Roasters is offered 4 Arabica varieties — Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Ethiopia — as single-origin coffee. The Ethiopian accumulation of Yirgacheffe is a light fry in unchanging or decaf.

It’s their “No. 1 bean,” Terry said. “It smells good. It tastes good, though it’s got a tea-like season to it.”

The Millers also churned coffee beans to emanate 4 blends: Tegrey House Blend (Tegrey is a portmanteau of Terry and Peggy), Tutti Frutti, Espresso, and Ah, Nuts!

The eccentric mix is a dim fry with records of chocolate, peanut, dates and tangerine. The integrate has worked with Stanek, who has a Q grader acceptance by a Coffee Quality Institute. They also purchased a feeling pack with 36 vials, any with a graphic scent, to learn themselves to brand coffee’s healthy flavors.

Terry Miller pronounced they supplement zero to a coffee and wish their business follow fit when they decoction a beans.

“Ours is going to be only a simple coffee beans roasted properly,” he said.

‘Roasted to order’

Eventually, a Millers wish to sell during slightest 500 pounds of coffee a week to “ma and pa” shops. Terry Miller pronounced they aren’t meddlesome in grocery stores, where coffee competence lay on a shelf past a prime.

Raw coffee beans can be stored for adult to a year. Whole beans — physically and chemically altered by roasting — stay uninformed for about a month. After grinding, coffee peculiarity starts disappearing roughly immediately.

“So all this is going to be roasted to order,” Peggy said.

The Millers design to fry dual to 4 days a week, initially, and furnish adult to 35 pounds of beans an hour. They’ll have assistance wrapping from their 34-year-old daughter, Alison.

After a resting period, when roasted beans recover a bulk of CO dioxide, they devise to package and boat orders for smoothness within 3 days. Cherry Blend Coffee Roasters ships whole beans and belligerent coffee via a United States and can report store pickups.

The online store also offers wardrobe items, a coffee mop with a logo-engraved timber bottom done by P. Graham Dunn, and scoops domestic by Hondurans from coffee wood.

On a initial and third Saturday of any month, a roasters will open their cherry red doorway to business for a giveaway cupping session. Registration is online.

It will give business a possibility to try opposite varieties and yield feedback.

“Everybody likes coffee, and if they don’t, they know someone who does,” he said.

Reach Kelly during 330-580-8323 or

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