Former Herington officer apologizes for coffee crater hoax

HERINGTON, Kan. (WIBW) A former Herington Police Department officer released an reparation for creation adult a story that a quick food workman wrote an clamour on his coffee cup.

William Darling, who quiescent his position after revelation a hoax, released a matter late Friday to The Herington Times.

“I wish to demonstrate my deepest, many frank reparation to McDonald’s (in Junction City), a law coercion community, a adults and law coercion officers in a Junction City area, a adults of Herington and a Herington Police Department,” Darling wrote.

Police Chief Brian Hornaday posted a print to amicable media Dec. 28 arrangement a McDonald’s coffee crater and a receipt with a difference “f***ing pig.” Hornaday pronounced Darling told him he got a coffee from a Junction City McDonald’s on his approach to work that morning, and detected a receipt with a words.

Hornaday’s post was common thousands of times. However, by Monday night, an review by Hornaday and McDonald’s officials disproved Darling’s account, and Darling certified it was false.

“I did not cruise a bulk of a preference we was creation during a time, and did not arrangement a bravery indispensable to finish a conditions before it got out of control,” Darling wrote in his matter to The Herington Times. “In a contention that relies on trust, there is small to no room for errors done by law coercion officers, generally in a meridian that they now serve.”

“I wish that all of those influenced by my actions will truly cruise that this conditions was combined by me, one person, and does not conclude a impression of a law coercion profession.”

Hornaday also has released a grave reparation for a incident.