Study Links Short Sleep Duration to Males, Old Age, and High Coffee Intake

Data from a new investigate suggests brief nap generation might be compared with masculine gender, comparison age, low amicable status, and high coffee intake.

The study, published by PLOS One, involved a cross-sectional research of 82,995 participants in a UK Biobank cohort. The researchers collected sociodemographic and lifestyle information by a use of touch-screen questionnaires from 2007 to 2010.

“Sleep pattern changes with age. During aging, there is a lapse of a circadian pacemaker, a on-going diminution in melatonin outlay and diminution in stroke width that contributes to augmenting nap fragmentation and waking adult progressing in a morning,” explained a authors. “Additionally, 50% of those comparison than 65 years of age have ongoing nap complaints, including problems in initiating and progressing sleep. Sleep reeling is compared with worse earthy and mental health, cognitive spoil and falls, though organisation stays debated.”

Wrist-worn accelerometers were used from 2013 to 2015 to magnitude nap and earthy activity parameters. Additionally, all participants were divided into 5 groups upheld on their pattern nap generation per night, according to a study.

Of all participants, 33.5% slept 6 to 7 hours per night. The formula also demonstrated that females had longer pattern nap generation than males, while brief pattern nap generation (less than 6 hours) was correlated with comparison age, amicable deprivation, and high coffee intake. In addition, a investigate reported that those who slept 6 to 7 hours per night were a many physically active.

“An different ‘U-shaped’ attribute between pattern nap generation and earthy activity turn was also identified suggesting that a many physically active slept between 6–7 hours,” a investigate said. “All before UK biobank nap studies have used a self-reported nap data. An organisation between worse cardiometabolic health and marred charge opening with nap generation 7 hours or 9 hours per night was reported.”

The researchers resolved that masculine gender, comparison age, low amicable status, and high coffee intake is compared with objectively dynamic brief nap duration. Also, optimal nap generation for health in those over 60 years aged might be shorter than for younger groups.

“This raises a probability that objectively assessed 6–7 hours of nap per night might be optimal for health, during slightest for those aged over 60 years old. Understanding a organisation with nap and health could assistance to pattern and optimize interventions to targeted groups and therefore revoke a inauspicious health impact of bad sleep,” resolved a authors.


Zhu G, Catt M, Cassidy S, et al. Objective nap comment in 80,000 UK mid-life adults: Associations with sociodemographic characteristics, earthy activity and caffeine [published online Dec 27, 2019]. PLOS One. DOI: